Test Wizard: Recording a Test Case

In this video, you will learn how to start recording a test case from the wizard. During the recording we navigate through an e-commerce application and annotate transactions of which we want to track performance. After the recording is complete, the test wizard reopens to walk you through the steps of configuring the test.

recording test scenario, load test transaction, web page performance

In the next video you will learn how to configure the recorded test case and get ready to start testing using the wizard. Watch Test Wizard: Configuring the Test Duration 3:06


Welcome back. In this video, we will learn how to record a test case using a sample e-commerce website as an example. When you first launch StresStimulus, a welcome screen will appear. It will direct you to record a test case. If the welcome screen is hidden, click the "Record" button on the workflow tree to start recording instead. Click the "Record Test Case" button to start the Test wizard. It will walk you through the steps of creating, configuring and running a test. At the Wizard's welcome screen, click "Next", to go to the "Recording Source" step. Give your test case a name. The test scenario will include adding a product to the shopping cart in the e-Store. Then select a recording source. For browser based applications, choose a web browser from the list of browsers installed on your machine. The other choices are: non-browser applications such as Silverlight or Flex, or a mobile device. You can also open an existing test. Click “Next” to go to the browser settings step and type the URL of the website you are testing. Then click “Record” to launch the browser and open the e-Store home page. The recorder window will appear at the top. In StresStimulus, you can track the performance of not only individual requests and web pages, but also transactions. A transaction is a group of user actions bundled together for the purpose of tracking and analyzing their performance. First, I am going to login. I enter "Login" into the Recorder's transaction box to start the login transaction. Now I can enter user credentials. Then I am going to select a product, so I enter the "Add to Cart" transaction. After that I will add a laptop to the cart. The Recorder keeps track of the recording time and the number of captured requests. Finally, I will logout. When recording is complete, click the Stop button on the Recorder. At this point, the Test Wizard will process the recorded sessions and move to the "Configuring the test case" step. We will learn about this in the next video. As you can see, the Wizard makes StresStimulus very easy to use. Thank you for watching.